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OLGA 2nd Steering Committee Meeting and Review Meeting ensure project is on track

Between 22 and 24 March 2023, in Brussels, several OLGA project meetings were hosted by the Airport Regions Council, the project communication manager: 2nd Steering Committee Meeting with all partners, review meeting with CINEA – the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency as well as various working sessions on tasks and subtasks.

The project meetings in Brussels mark one year and a half since the OLGA project started. Its steady progress shows beyond doubt that at the core of the project lies close cooperation, which is the fuel towards the achievement of the project objectives. On this occasion, CINEA reviewed the project. The positive outcome of the evaluation proves that the OLGA efforts are on track to support the EU Green Deal objectives and the mission to make airports sustainable.

Moreover, earlier this month, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report was published, highlighting that the scale of the changes in the climate system caused by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases is unprecedented in the history of humanity with grave implications for people and the planet. In line with the findings of the report, OLGA project remains committed to supporting the EU to stay at the forefront of the fight against climate change. To accomplish the European Green Deal and implement the Fit for 55 packages is now more important than ever, hence OLGA’s efforts to accelerate the green transition.

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